Our Vision
We want St Andrew’s to be a beacon of our community that inspires adults and children alike with outstanding learning and teaching. Where children develop a thirst and love of learning that will be lifelong. We want St Andrew’s to be a school where children learn to love their neighbour as themselves and ‘Where young minds grow and young hearts learn to care’ through a thoughtful and wide-ranging development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development within the Christian faith. We want our values to be our children’s virtues.
Paper copies of documents
If you require paper copies of any of our documents on our website, please get in touch with the school office via the contact form, or by ringing the school office (number above.)
In addition, paper copies of additional documents may also be requested.
School contact details
St Andrew's Church of England Primary School, Headteacher, Mr Ben Arnell, Grafton Street, Kettering, Northamptonshire. NN16 9D. Telephone: 01536 512581
Additional contacts are:
Mrs Helen Owens
Mrs Lizzie Winn
Mrs Eloise Houghton
Telephone: 01536 512581
Parent Support Advisor
Chris Parfitt, Telephone: 01536 512581 option 3
Data Protection Officer
Angela Corbyn
Telephone: 07523 512957
Admission arrangements
We have our own admissions process as described in our Admissions Policies for Nursery and Reception, which can be found below on this page.
Northamptonshire County Council ( and the local authority) coordinates applications for places in this School.
in order to submit an application, please refer to the local authority's website.
In Year Applications
Applications for admission to any year group during the school year are known as in-year applications.
If you are interested in joining our school and would like to arrange a visit please contact or call 01536 512581
For the school year September 2024 – August 2025, to apply for an in-year school place at our school, please complete the application form linked below. All applications are managed by our Trust (rather than the Local Authority).
You will be contacted within 15 school days to let you know if a place can be offered. If you make your application during the school holidays, it may take longer than normal to process.
St Andrew's is an Academy within the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust. the Trust is the Admission Authority and has responsibility for setting the Admission Policy but the policy is administered by the Local Governing Body (LGB).
The Published Admission Number (PAN) for the Reception year of entry is 45.
Statutory and Key Policies