Martin Luther King Class Staff
Winston Churchill Class Staff
Anne Frank Class Staff
Our Classes
Our classes are mixed Y3 and Y4 and aim to inspire every child's love of learning through our topic based curriculum and creative classrooms. This term our topic is geography based and we will be learning all The United Kingdom. We will be learning all about the UK and its cities, counties and regions. We will be using the artwork to Stephen Wiltshire to look at different areas of the UK and our English text will be taking us on a journey through the UK and beyond. Children will develop their geographical knowledge using a range of maps.
At St Andrew’s, we love reading. Reading is an essential part of learning so we hope that children read at home as much as possible. Please keep a log of their reading in your child’s reading diary and return this to school daily. Children are expected to change their reading books independently so please let us know if this is not happening. Please encourage your children to read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, including magazines and newspapers.
All of the children are expected to read daily and make a note in their reading records. Children will also be given a statutory spelling list. We would like your child to learn between 3 and 5 spellings per week. The children are asked to learn them and write them in a sentence to make sure they understand the words they are learning.
In addition, the children are expected to continue to practise their multiplication tables. All children have been given a TT Rockstars login and children can practise for the multiplication check by accessing this website and choosing the multiplication tables check. Weekly maths homework will be given to your child. This will focus on the learning children have been taught in their classes that week.
Children are expected wear the appropriate PE kit every PE lesson day. Please make sure that your child has a plain white t-shirt, black PE shorts and trainers. Please remember that children must NOT wear earrings on their PE days. PE will be on a Monday and Wednesday for all classes. This includes swimming for Year 3 in Autumn Term.
Year 4 children will be taking part in a national times table test in June 2023. The multiplication tables check is an online test. Pupils are asked to answer 25 questions on times tables from 2 to 12. They are given six seconds per question, with three seconds rest between each question, so the test should last less than five minutes. The children can practise this on choosing the multiplication tables check section or ‘TT Rockstars’ under the section called ‘Sound Check’.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to us. We are available every night after school or you can email us on:
Winston Churchill
Martin Luther King
Anne Frank
Year 3 &4 loved making creative story boxes to kick off our new English Talk for Writing unit!